Deception remains prevalent despite its widespread vilification. Research published by CIL Core Faculty Brian Gunia in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes explains why.
Recent years have seen a palpable change in the surgical community, with major efforts made to shift towards a more positive, humanistic surgical culture, write CIL Faculty Director Chris Myers and colleagues in this article for BMJ.
In August 2018 officials from Tokyo Medical University admitted to systematically altering medical school admission test scores to disadvantage female applicants. CIL Faculty Chris Myers and Kathleen Sutcliffe discuss the impact of this sort of discrimination on female physicians in this article for the Harvard Business Review.
CIL Core Faculty Michelle Barton published new research on group resilience in the journal Organization Studies
New research from CIL Core Faculty Michelle Barton and colleagues published in the Academy of Management Review shows how organizational resilience is an organization’s ability to absorb strain and preserve or improve functioning, despite the presence of adversity.
Physicians are being called upon to engage in greater leadership and management in increasingly complex and dynamic health care organizations. Yet, management skills are largely undeveloped in medical education. CIL Faculty Director Chris Myers co-authored an article to highlight the need for more leadership training in Academic Medicine.
The landscape of American corporations is changing. Since the financialization of the economy in the late 1970s, corporate governance practices have tightly linked the purpose of business with maximizing shareholder value. CIL Core Faculty Suntae Kim and Chris Myers write with colleagues about the emergence of B-Corporations in this Harvard Business Review article.
This research, published in the Leadership Quarterly, from CIL Faculty Director Chris Myers and colleagues empirically tests leadership identity construction theory conceptually framing claiming and granting leadership as a negotiated process that influences leadership perceptions and decision-making in interdependent contexts.
CIL Faculty Director Chris Myers co-authored a review of academic literature on leadership development in organizations.